Eine der wichtigsten Sektionen dieser Site. Die Links zum Seminar können jederzeit von Ihnen durch Vorschläge ergänzt werden. Hilfreich ist, dazu ein kurzes Abstract zu den Links zu verfassen...
Künstler- und Projektesites http://www.backspace.org/iod (Thema 1, Webdesign als Grundlagenforschung) http://www.design.ru/misc/oljalja http://www2.dom.de/acircle/ Felix Stephan Huber/Philip Pocock: Arctic Circle (Thema 5, Cybernomaden) http://duplox.wz-berlin.de/people/s/intra_internet http://io.khm.de Knowbotic research (Thema 4, Translokationen) http://hamburg-ersatz.trmd.de Dellbrügge & de Moll (Thema 6, Spiele) http://www.jodi.org (Thema 1, Webdesign als Grundlagenforschung) http://www.hgb-leipzig.de/livesource/ Bettina Lockemann: 1. Livesource Ostdeutschlands (Thema 2, livesources) http://www.live.thing.net Wolfgang Staehle: Traffic (Thema 2, livesources) http://sero.org/dyt (Thema 3, Mediensprünge) http://www.zkm.de/net_condition/weil net_condition-Browser (Thema 4, Translokationen) http://refugee.net Ingo Günther (Thema 5, Cybernomaden) http://www.khm.de/~lahr/DIP.html Christin Lahr: Displaced persons (Thema 5, Cybernomaden) http://bbs.thing.net/communicator.thing Das klassische thing, mit recht spannenden, teilweise historischen Projekten
Online-Galerien, Salons, Vermittlungsprojekte http://www.kulturserver.de
the online-community for regional art & culture
Informationsmaschine Internet und die Kunstszene http://www.artnet.com (sehr umfangreich, Künstlerregister) http://dumag.ch (die online-version des Magazin DU) http://blitzreview.thing.at (Blitz review, Aktuelle Rezensionen)
Museum und Ausstellungswesen im Netz http://sunsite.unc.edu/wm One of the best sources for information on individual artists is still the virtual exhibition site called the "Webmuseum", originally put together by Nicholas Pioch but constantly being expanded. http://home.mtholyoke.edu/~klconner/parthenet.html One of the most useful directories of sites is called the Parthenet. It is a combined internet resources guide for students of art history and includes listings for all periods and varied nationalities and cultures. It will take you on some incredible trips as you follow some of the listings to their original sources. http://www.clearinghouse.net/ "MESL" stands for the Museum Educational Site Licensing Project. This is a national project that has brought together a group of museums and academic institutions in an experimental coalition to develop methods of presentation and access to digitized images from the museums' collections. The participating universities are also experimenting with ways to use digitized images in the classroom and as study and research resources. http://paris.org.:80/Musees/Louvre Louvre, Paris http://www.nga.gov National Gallery of Art, Washington http://www.dia.org Works at National Gallery of Art in DC http://www.metmuseum.org Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York http://www.pma.libertynet.org Philadelphia Museum of Art http://wwar.world-arts-resources.com (World Wide Arts Resources) |